
Healing As Told By Boy Meets World

Hey! I am such a big movie and tv show analyzer. I've rewatched the entirety of Boy Meets World at least 3 times lol! The last time I rewatched it I saw so many gems about healing. Like seriously there's shadow work and healing all up and through this show! I wanted to highlight for… Continue reading Healing As Told By Boy Meets World

personal, spirituality

Let Go, Let God(dess)

After many hits you think: how can this get any worse? Truth is sometimes it gets worse before it gets better. A lot of us have to go through these tests until we finally learn the lesson. At which point we’re able to move on and possibly even begin to heal. Along the way you… Continue reading Let Go, Let God(dess)

health, personal, spirituality

I’m a Certified Spiritual Coach!

I’m now officially a Certified Progressive Love Academy 3 Way Mirror Coach and I'm working with the Body Bliss 365 program. Through my own healing journey, I’ve been able to find duality which has worked to bring me into homeostasis. I understand that we must work with both our dark and light. Finding healthy ways to… Continue reading I’m a Certified Spiritual Coach!

spirituality, Think About It

Conspiracy Theories & Chill: Riverdale Editon

So within the conspiracy theory circles, tv is said to be perfect when it comes to predictive programming. I mean, hello! People always joke about The Simpsons and their predictions. The thing is they put the truth in plain sight and hope that when it comes, people will just shrug it off. Why? How many… Continue reading Conspiracy Theories & Chill: Riverdale Editon


School Drools: How to Keep on Track with Your Goals

I was going to write about college and it's effect on my mental and physical health journey. But then I realized I was partially at fault. School was to blame since there is a lot of work involved. However, it is also my fault for not finding the time especially for meditation and especially when… Continue reading School Drools: How to Keep on Track with Your Goals