being vegan, health, personal

Foods to Eat to Have a Happy Period

Before going vegan, I had the worst period cramps I could ever imagine. Of course it’s not as severe as some uterus havers I later found out. But to me it felt like death.

When I became vegan, I thought I was good. The way I became vegan, however, was super healthy. Absolutely no processed foods, no sugary or salty foods.

A few years later I discovered something. There is an actual correlation between cramps and the food we eat. There is an actual key to having a healthy, happy period. Eating a clean vegan diet actually regulated my cycle and eliminated my cramps.

What we eat matters. What goes in our bodies begin to show on the outside or you feel on the inside. Whether it’s acne, eczema, or digestive problems, one way or another your body will protest or rejoice.

So what’s they key? What on earth do I eat? I NEED a happy period!

  1. Iron.

We lose a lot of iron during our period so we need to replenish. Not having enough iron causes us to become tired and could also result in anemia. Eat foods rich in iron such as spinach, lentils, apricots, potatoes, and pumpkin seeds. Remember to eat iron foods with vitamin c foods to help with iron absorption.

2. Cut down on or eliminate processed foods.

Eat more fruits, vegetables, nuts, and whole grains. I noticed when eating vegan junk food such as flatbreads and sometimes even store bought ice cream, my cramps would get worse. As it turns out, high sugar intake actually worsens period symptoms. Salty and fatty foods also increase bloating.

3. Omega-3’s.

They help calm you so it’ll help you be less irritable and help ease your cramps. They also reduce overall pain such as headaches and tender breasts. Eat foods high in omega-3’s such as walnuts, flaxseeds and avocados.

4. Chocolate.

Dark chocolate is your friend. So many people, myself included, crave chocolate before or during our period. The cravings are mostly from your body wanting magnesium. It’s better to get a high cacao % as it’ll have less sugar. Chocolate also contains magnesium which helps reduce mood swings and releases the happy hormone: serotonin.

5. Magnesium.

Might as well put it in a separate category. Aside from serotonin and less mood swings, magnesium helps reduce bloating, dizziness and muscle tension. Eat foods high in magnesium such as whole grains, swiss chard, almonds, and black beans.

6. Water.

I don’t know about you but my weight goes up whenever my period is near. Then it goes back to normal. What I learned is that this can be caused by water retention. Drinking lots of water helps keep you hydrate and reduces pain. Being dehydrated releases vasopressin which is linked to cramping.

7. Vitamin D and E.

Being deficient in both vitamins can cause severe cramping, headaches, acne, and pain in general. Foods high in vitamin D include mushrooms, fortified cereal and non-dairy milk, and don’t forget to get some sun. Foods high in vitamin E include almonds, turnip greens, hempseed oil, and olive oil.

8. Fibre.

Throughout your entire cycle your hormones progesterone and prostaglandins are slowing things down and speeding things up. This includes your bowel movements. Eating more fibrous foods such as bananas, oats, beans, and root vegetables will help keep you regular while these hormones rise and fall.

Aside from food, here’s a few other things you could do.


As much as we don’t feel like it through all the pain and the overall slump, exercise helps. It increases blood flow (which helps reduce cramps) and increases serotonin.

Use heat.

Get a heat pack or water bag heater. Something the heats up and can come in contact with skin. Heat helps soothe your cramps.


You can usually sleep off cramps. Aside from that sleep makes you less irritated.

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