health, personal, spirituality

I’m a Certified Spiritual Coach!

I’m now officially a Certified Progressive Love Academy 3 Way Mirror Coach and I’m working with the Body Bliss 365 program. Through my own healing journey, I’ve been able to find duality which has worked to bring me into homeostasis. I understand that we must work with both our dark and light. Finding healthy ways to balance ourselves and unlock our inner God(dess). 

The 3 Way Mirror is a tool I’ve personally used in my healing journey to:

  • help me to pinpoint where my past depression came from.
  • help me to overcome and mange feelings of anxiety better.
  • help me to recognize my triggers easily and not react from that space blindly.
  • help me to improve my own relationships and grow in them rather than throw them away.
  • clear sexual guilt and shame I was experiencing that led to womb and yoni issues.

Sit back and relax, as I tell my story.

I’ll start with how guilt and shame around my sexuality and sexual freedom led to some major blockages in my body and life. This was incredibly important to not only my confidence but also being able to walk in the beautiful, power energy that I have. The same energy that helps me to be, to create, and to manifest.

Using the 3 Way Mirror helped me to find the root cause of where the guilt and shame were coming from. As a kid I felt my curiosity around sex was wrong and I didn’t fully recover from that until the end of 2020. Yup! Lol. I didn’t even realize I had an issue until it presented itself plainly in front of me. I launched into a journey of self-discovery and owning my impulses. Learning about myself and body and what I needed. 

I now have a better understanding of my body, what I need, why I turned to sex for love, why I was experiencing womb and yoni issues, and more.

Now onto the deeper part of my story that explains a lot about how I was and who I am becoming! 

As a child, I was really happy and raised in a home with my loving Jamaican family. As I grew older, I felt less seen and more misunderstood. The discipline I received wasn’t very helpful in my development. But now I understand that my family did the best they knew how based on what they were taught. It was me who created all of these blockages in my life not anyone else.

Throughout my childhood, I felt like I couldn’t speak up and out about how I was feeling or what I thought. As a result, that led to suppressing my emotions. I kept having bad experiences that added on to the already suppressed emotions. This led to experiencing depression.

As years went by (into adulthood) and all my emotions kept piling up inside, it got really unbearable! I even wanted to die, I cut my wrists, and even purposefully tried to get hit by cars. This also led to a physical blockage of getting tonsillitis and not being able to physically speak under stress. Now I realize I just needed to express myself, learn to manage my emotions and not to bottle them up! This led me to overcoming depression and learning how to manage feelings of sadness.

The inability to physically speak then manifested into full blown anxiety in adulthood. I used plant medicine to help me manage symptoms. But it also helped me recognize my triggers.

This is where I recognized I couldn’t do this work on my own, so I booked with a Coach. When she used the 3 Way Mirror with me, I was able to dig deeper into the root cause of the anxiety I was experiencing. It turns out not speaking up throughout my life caused me to keep creating experiences in my life to get me to speak up.

I had to do a lot of work around my communication to overcome and better manage the feeling of anxiety, including a daily Lacing meditation. I also had to take ownership of the life I created and become grateful for the experiences. It all led me to the beautiful life I’ve created for myself. As well as becoming a Spiritual Coach so I could help others going through the same things!

If you resonate with my story please feel free to book here for a Free 30 minute discovery session to see if we may be a great fit working together.

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