
Nothing is What I Thought, Now What?


If you’re reading this now, you’re probably in the midst of or about to enter the rabbit hole. Maybe even deeper. It’s so important to know that the further you get the more people may think you’re crazy. Heck, you may even begin to think so yourself.

I’m here to tell you that you’re not crazy, you’re just waking up. Also that there are more of us out here. People like to call us “conspiracy theorists.” But it’s not a conspiracy theory if it’s true. 😉

You are just becoming more aware of everything going on around you and inside of you. You’re questioning everything you’ve been taught and you’re mind is breaking free from the cage that kept it.

So now what?

I want you to really practice a lot of self care, self love, and self acceptance. Why? It gets really deep. It can take a toll on your mental health if you focus too much on it. You may get upset with yourself and start beating yourself up about not remembering sooner.

Most of all you’ll probably be hella upset about the people “in charge.” Whatever it is, it’s important to sit with those feelings. See why you’re so triggered. Then let those feelings go. It may take some time but it’s such an important step. Your mental health matters.

You may already know this. You may have even already awakened to your own inner power. So you have become more self aware and even more self actualized. So what’s next? It’s important to not villainize those you deem to be the bad guys too much. I know wtf?! But hear me out. When you put all your energy and focus into hating someone so much it only hurts you. Holding onto anger, resentment, and fear. It does the body no good. This is also where learning to process your emotions comes in.

As you go through the process of remembering who you are and learning what this world is, you may feel lost and even like nothing matters anymore. I’m here to tell you that you’re here for a reason. You can and will push through this. You just need some time, support, and maybe even guidance. Please don’t give up. 💖

Starter Guide

These are some important notes I’ve found to be helpful for me and what I’ve seen help others as a collective.

It’s very important to know thyself, first and foremost. What do you like? What do you believe? What works for you on your journey? While a lot of things are a collective experience, we are each uniquely different. Even similar experiences can sound different from someone else’s view. Also what works for one person may not work for you. A great example of this is diet. Some people thrive as a vegan while some thrive as a vegetarian. So it’s really important to know what you want, what you know, and what resonates for you as a individual.

Along your self love and self acceptance journey you will also become more self aware. In this process comes shadow work where you uncover things you may have hidden or things you weren’t even aware of. Facing parts of you that others or even yourself deem to be bad. Becoming more aware of who you are as a person and why you are the way you are. You also become more accountable for yourself and your life, taking back your power to create the life you want moving forward.

Of course with all the heaviness that comes with this journey, self care is super important for your mental, physical, and spiritual health. What this looks like may be different for each person. It’s important to find a routine that you enjoy and that helps you come back to your happy place. Some of my favourite things to incorporate into my self care are saying affirmations, meditation, listening to chakra frequencies (or binaural beats), dancing & singing to my favourite music, and taking spiritual baths.

This is all a process that takes time so go easy in yourself. You had the courage and the determination to get here so be proud of yourself. You are exactly where you need to be right now! Sending you positive vibes for your journey ahead. 💌

If you’d like some guidance with your shadow work and I resonate with you, feel free to book an hourly coaching session at www.lunessence313.ca/.

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