
Falafel Burger & Tuom Sauce

A bit of a back story my lovely readers! This was a recipe created from scratch for my college class back in 2015! I worked with two of my classmates (J & R) to create a new recipe from scratch. In the end we came up with a Falafel Burger with Tuom Sauce! Enjoy! Recipe… Continue reading Falafel Burger & Tuom Sauce


The Perfect Tea for Flu Season

Health officials in Canada have dubbed 2017 one of the worst flu seasons.  Since it's already in progress, we've long skipped over prevention. So now it's time for remedies.  Despite eating healthy most of the years and getting my vitamins up ala mangoes and the like, I have become sick. I work with the public… Continue reading The Perfect Tea for Flu Season


Acai Berry Smoothie Bowl

Acai berries have a high antioxidant rating 10x higher than red grapes! This is why it's so great for anti-aging. Pinterest Learn How to Make a Simple Acai Bowl Making an acai bowl is so simple and easy. That's probably why so many people are making it for breakfast. Recipe INGREDIENTS: 2 x frozen bananas… Continue reading Acai Berry Smoothie Bowl


Gluten-Free Flour

Gluten can be found in a lot of things: flour, bread, baked goods, etc. There are many brands out there that have gluten-free products. There are also a growing amount of companies that offer gluten-free and vegan products too! Being gluten-free and vegan doesn't have to be boring or taste disgusting. Many instagram accounts prove… Continue reading Gluten-Free Flour


Ancho Bella Burger

It's the holidays again. Right before school starts. Goodbye Summer, hellooo Fall. Whether you actually know what Labour Day is or not, one thing is for sure: BBQ! After you're done figuring out how to survive the holidays as a vegan, check out this Ancho Bella burger recipe. You can either potluck it, have someone… Continue reading Ancho Bella Burger